We believe in interacting with our customers and answering all questions big or small. Common questions we get are: 

- 这是海的吗? (Is this from the sea?) 

- 这是养的还是野抓的? (Is this farmed or wild-caught?)

The answer you will get to the first question is usually yes, it is from the sea; because most of the seafood consumed/ favoured by Singaporeans are from the sea. It is also very common for seafood to be farmed in the sea these days.

For the second question, if the answer "farmed" turns you off, ask yourself why. If the answer is that you are concerned about what the fish eats, if the fish has been injected with hormones/ chemicals/ antibiotics, why don't you ask those questions instead? Below, we provide a short list of questions to ask the next time you shop for fish to eat cleaner and better. 

If the fish is farmed:

1. When farmed, how is the spread of disease prevented? 

We would prefer fishes that go through vaccination/ seclusion so that we do not expose ourselves to too much antibiotics.

2. Are there unhealthy chemicals added to make the fish look better?

Say no to fishes where formalin and other unnatural additives have been added.

3. Does the farm abide by any good farming practices?

There are many different types of farming certifications globally. In Singapore, the “Good Aquaculture Practice for Fish Farming” mark is an official mark to be put only on food fish produced by certified fish farms. Read more here.

At Dishthefish, we are very selective about the suppliers that we work with. Over the upcoming months, you will see us featuring our suppliers and telling their stories. Stay tuned! 


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